Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Holy cow-it's really happened! Transplant day!

Lots and lots of waiting.....we had to be there with the donor at 5:30 am. Jeremy's surgery began at 7:30 am and Sean's at 9:30 am. They took Jeremy back around 6 to prep. They didn't take Sean until 8 am.

The update board said Jeremy's procedure began at 8:14 am. Sean's message said they started at 10:04 am. Jeremy's parents got a doctor visit around 12:30pm. During that time they told them that the kidney was in Sean and plumping up! That seemed to be good news. I finally heard from our doctor at 1:00 pm. He said that surgery went well, Sean did well and it looks good. They will watch him for about two hours before sending him to his floor.

We haven't seen him yet, but hope to in an hour or so. I am curious to see if the kidney is working. I want to see Jeremy too. What an angel!! I will update this one later tonight after I see them both.

Keep praying-our donor is such a special person! His family is wonderfully supportive.

Happy New Year!!!

I went to see him this evening when he got settled into his room. He looks great-his color is good. His pain is being managed with oral meds which is different from the last time. They used staples again instead of glue. Be got the "binder" with all the transplant information. I read through it tonight and have a few questions for the doctors already.

1 comment:

  1. awesome news!!!!! i look forward to your updates! i have a friend that is a nurse at OSU hospital and have been sending him messages on FB asking about their policy on visitors etc.. he asked his boss and she called me today and told me everything! it was so awesome to actually talk to someone who knew the real deal with kidney transplants. the pretransplant nurse never told us some of the stuff so i'm relieved i found out! anyway.. hugs and prayers to you!
